What We Do

The Maribyrnong Youth Accommodation Program (MYAP)
MYAP provides case management support to young people aged between 16-25 in the inner west region of Melbourne who are experiencing homeless, in temporary accommodation, struggling to maintain their private rental , share house or student accommodation or finding it difficult to stay in the family home. You can make direct referrals for information & advice. The program has a focus on culturally and linguistically diverse young people.
Youth Support Program
The Youth Support Program provides case management support to young people aged between 16-25 in the inner west region of Melbourne who are are experiencing homeless, in temporary accommodation, struggling to maintain their private rental , share house or student accommodation finding it difficult to stay in the family home.. You can make direct referrals for information & advice.

Family Program
The Family Support Program provides case management support to families in the inner west region of Melbourne who are homeless or at risk of homelessness. The support program aims to assist families to secure stable long term housing with links to ongoing support in their local communities.
Support to Families At Risk (SFAR)
SFAR is a dedicated family support program that provides intensive early intervention support to families.

Single Adults
The Singles Support Program provides support to single adults who are living in transitional housing, though also has the capacity to provide outreach support. The aim of the program is to secure safe long term stable accommodation for single adults.

Tenancy Plus
Is a support and advocacy program that assists social housing tenants in the inner West and parts of the North of Melbourne. Tenancy Plus can assist tenants to establish, strengthen, or maintain their tenancy by providing case management, advocacy, support and information.

Continuing Care & Youth Justice
Youth Justice Pathways Program
The program is a case managed transitional support program for young people who are at risk of becoming homeless and exiting Youth Justice Centres, or on Youth Justice Orders in the community.
Young People Continuing Care Program
The program is a case managed transitional support program for young people who are at risk of becoming homeless and leaving the care of the out of home care via the child protection system (DHHS).
Koala Program
The Koala program provide early intervention support and planning for young people aged 16-18 who are preparing to leave DHHS care, and are identified as being at risk of homelessness. The program is not tied to any accommodation, though we can support young people for up to 2 years.
Pathways to Independence Program (PIP)
The program provides support and assistance to young people aged 17-21 who have exited or recently exited statutory care placement in residential, foster, kinship or lead tenant. The role of the program is to assist young people to make the transition from statutory care to independent living.

LGBTI Homelessness & Family Violence Project
The LGBTI Homelessness & Family Violence Project is a response to recommendations from the Royal Commission into Family Violence. It aims to build capacity in Homelessness and Family Violence Services in Melbourne’s west and north to ensure LGBTI people, in particular those who cannot remain in their homes, receive a sensitive and appropriate service system response.
West Homelessness Network
The North and West Homelessness Network (NWHN) is one of eight regional network across Victoria funded to bring services together to share information, identify common needs and gaps in service provision, and establish close working relationships to promote and assist the best possible response to homelessness within a regional context.