Child Safety at Wombat

We are committed to creating and maintaining a culture that respects and values the rights and voices of children and young people by providing services that keep them safe.

Our commitment to child safety

Wombat recognises that children are affected by homelessness and have a right to feel safe and secure. The welfare of children will always be our first priority and we have a zero tolerance for abuse. Wombat is committed to upholding the child safe standards and has developed an organisational culture focusing on child safety, which includes commitment from the leadership team and Board, and an ongoing dedicated childrens working group to review child safety at Wombat and related policy.  Our aim is to create a child safe and child friendly environment where children feel safe, supported and are respected.

Child Safe Standards

Child safe standards are a set of principles and actions that aim to protect children and young people from harm and abuse in organisations that provide services or facilities for them. They are based on the findings and recommendations of the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse. You can find more information about the Child Safe Standards here:
CCYP | The 11 Child Safe Standards

Relevant Documents

Children's Rights & Responsibilities

A brochure explaining your rights when being supported by our service. You can download it here:

Children's Brochure: A child's Rights pdf.

Children's Feedback

We value all feedback and have developed feedback forms specifically for children. You can download it here:

Feedback Form - under 13 years old

Feedback Form - over 13 years old

Useful Resources

How to keep your children safe:

Issues and advice | eSafety Commissioner

This provides advice about how to keep your children safe online and when using technology.

Child Accident Prevention Foundation of Australia - Kidsafe Victoria

For advice around keeping your children safe at home and in the car.

Raising Children Network

General parenting advice

Resources for kids

Kids Helpline | Phone Counselling Service | 1800 55 1800

Headspace- National Youth Mental Health Foundation

Reach Out

A Safe Place to Chat Anonymously, Get Support & Feel Better

Child safety at wombat