Family Program
The Family Support Program provides case management support to families in the inner west region of Melbourne who are homeless or at risk of homelessness. The support program aims to assist families to secure stable long term housing with links to ongoing support in their local communities.
What we offer:
- Assistance to develop skills to live independently
- Assistance to address concerns/problems that are causing homelessness
- Transitional Housing support for up to 12 months
- Families with parents over 23 years of age
- Families who are homeless or at risk of homelessness
- In receipt of an independent income
- Families with links to the west
- Families eligible for Homeless with Support Application
- A willingness to engage with support
Contact our local Access Point, Unison. Unison will complete assessment and if deemed appropriate, and a vacancy exists, the family will be referred to Wombat’s Family Support Program. A more comprehensive assessment will be completed with the support worker to confirm eligibility.
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WomBot is an Artificially Intelligent (AI), chatbot where you can access information on emergency accommodation, private rental, material aid & issues with your current accommodation 24/7. It can also link you in with support. You can access WomBot by going to the 'Chat to WomBot' icon on the lower right hand side of the page.

Support to Families At Risk (SFAR)
SFAR is a dedicated family support program that provides intensive early intervention support to families.
What we offer:
The SFAR program aims to assist families with complex support needs to break the cycle of homelessness by providing intensive, tailored support to improve family functioning and maintain their housing. The program has the capacity to actively support each member of the family including the children. SFAR can assist with issues such as drug and alcohol misuse, mental health issues, parenting issues, behavioural issues, school liaison, and actively works to promote positive family functioning. The program works collaboratively with other service providers and may make referrals if more specialist support is required.
- Families who’s housing is at risk, yet sustainable with support and advocacy
SFAR works with families residing in public housing, community housing and private rental, and services the following LGA’s:
- Maribyrnong
- Moonee Valley
- Parts of the city of Melbourne.
Please contact the SFAR program at Wombat to discuss the families needs. SFAR will determine if the family are suitable for support and inform you of the program’s current capacity.