Continuing Care & Youth Justice
Youth Justice Pathways Program
The program is a case managed transitional support program for young people who are at risk of becoming homeless and exiting Youth Justice Centres, or on Youth Justice Orders in the community.
- Aged 17-23
- Currently on a Youth Justice Order
- Homeless or at risk of homelessness
- Eligible for or in receipt of an income,
- Willing to participate in the program and engage with support
What we do:
- Facilitate a smooth transition from Youth Justice Centres into the community
- Provide tailored case managed support to young people in Transitional Housing
- Assistance to develop the skills to live independently and to reduce the likelihood of re offending.
- Assistance to obtain long term secure housing.
Referrals are made to the program via. DFFH Youth Justice.

Young People Continuing Care Program
The program is a case managed transitional support program for young people who are at risk of becoming homeless and leaving the care of the out of home care via the child protection system (DFFH).
What we offer:
- Facilitate a smooth transition from statutory care into the community
- Provide tailored case managed support to young people in Transitional Housing
- Assistance to develop the skills to live independently
- Obtain long term secure housing.
- Aged 17-21
- Currently on a child protection order
- Homeless or at risk of homelessness
- Eligible for or in receipt of an income,
- Willing to participate in the program and engage with support
Referrals are made to the program via the placement co ordination unit of Child Protection (DFFH)
Support From Care Program
The Support From Care program provides early intervention support and planning for young people aged 16-18 who are preparing to leave DFFH care, and are identified as being at risk of homelessness. The program is not tied to any accommodation, though we can support young people for up to 2 years.
What we do:
- Assess the young person’s skills and housing options
- Engage with care teams and identify tasks prior to leaving care
- Assist with the transition from care and provide case managed support post care
- Assistance to obtain long term secure housing
- Aged 16-18
- Currently on a child protection order in out of home care
- Limited community connections and support
Child protection typically identifies young people 12 months prior to leaving care. Referrals come directly from Placement Co Ordination Unit Child Protection (DFFH).

Pathways to Independence Program (PIP)
The program provides support and assistance to young people aged 17-21 who are exiting or recently exited statutory care placement in residential, foster, kinship or lead tenant. The role of the program is to assist young people to make the transition from statutory care to independent living. The program provides medium-term shared housing for up to three months and pathway options to longer term housing (head lease private rental or community housing) for a period of 12 months. The program utilises the Housing Readiness for Young People (HRYP) tool to assist young people to understand and plan for independent living.
What we do:
- Facilitate a smooth transition from statutory care into the community.
- Assess and develop independent living skills using the HRYP tool.
- Assistance to develop a support plan that identified needs, future goals and plans.
- Assistance to obtain and maintain long term housing or links to appropriate accommodation options.
- Referral and linkages to specialist services and community connections.
- Are aged 17-21 years exiting or have recently exited residential care, lead tenant, foster care or kinship care.
- Reside or have links to the Inner West suburbs of Melbourne.
- Assessed as job ready or currently employed.
- Demonstrate medium to high level independent living skills.
- Willing to reside in shared housing.
- Willing to engage with a worker on a regular basis.
Referrals will be taken by the program when there is a housing vacancy. Contact the program via email or phone 8327 2222 to speak with a worker.