Being respectful with others including friends and family
Safety, trust and wellbeing all stem from being respectful with our family and friends. To learn more follow the information below.
To know what respect is and apply it to my relationships
Let's start with why this is important:
- showing respect to others builds safety, trust and wellbeing
- respect does not come naturally it is something that must be learnt
Disrespect in a family, friendship or intimate relationship looks like:
- physical abuse such as hitting, restraining, slapping
- ignoring what you say and what you want to do constantly
- bullying such as putting you down constantly and repeatedly
- dismissing your thoughts and feelings as not important
If you are experiencing this type of relationship it is important you seek help:
KIDS HELP LINE, call 1800 55 1800 anyone aged from 5-25 is encouraged to call if they need someone to talk to about their problems.
1800 RESPECT call 1800 737 732, a confidential 24 hour hotline for anyone who has experienced sexual assault or domestic violence.
NATIONAL DISABILITY ABUSE AND NEGLECT LINE call 1800 880 052, a confidential 24 hour hotline to report abuse or neglect of a disabled person

For video transcript click here.
What to do next
How to be respectful when someone is not respecting you
Sometimes we find ourselves not feeling respected by other people, including our family or friends. While it’s not always possible to change somebody and make them respect you, there are some things you can try:
- Show people what respect looks like by being respectful yourself
- Spend time with people who are respectful and make you feel safe
- Tell the person what they are doing isn’t ok and be specific
- Talk to somebody you trust like a parent, teacher, or counsellor
- Try to understand their point of view
- Give that person a chance to change their behaviour toward you
- It’s ok to end friendships with people if they can’t be respectful and you don’t feel safe around them
Creating respectful relationships within your family

Creating positive relationships with your family
Family will stick with you through thick and thin - but getting along isn't always easy. Follow our tips for a stronger bond!
Someone is disrespecting you or others
Watch this video for some tips of what to do.
More Information & Services
Respectful Man
An organisation specialising in supporting parents & children & strengthening families through respectful relationships
How to be respectful and respected
Do you know what respect looks like? Learn why respect is the glue that holds your relationships together.