Health & Wellbeing

Create an exercise routine

Exercise is an important part of a healthy lifestyle but adding it in to your routine can be tricky. Follow the steps below to find out how to easily get more exercise in your day.


To create an exercise routine to maintain a healthy weight

Let's start with why this is important:

  • a routine with healthy exercise will make you feel good about yourself
  • a routine after 30 days becomes a habit, so it will become part of your lifestyle easily
  • regular exercise improves your mental health

What to do next

Create a fitness calendar

Follow along with this simple beginner routine, click on the links to do the exercise.

Print this out and write your own fitness calendar. Here are a list of activities that you might add to it.

Create a sport to do list

Here is a list of different types of sports, print this out, complete it and give yourself a time frame to try something new. 

More Information & Services

To get more support and advice on starting a healthy exercise routine visit:

  • Your doctor

Sport and Fitness Advice - Youth Central

A guide to youth sport and fitness in Victoria

All Health & Wellbeing